Friday, 21 April 2023

Councillor Richardson’s Intervention will save cyclists and walkers from danger?

Regular walker around Blyth’s open spaces, Councillor Margaret Richardson of Cowpen Ward has come across a landslip that is encroaching on National cycle route 1 in Cowpen which is also an integral part of the National coastal footpath.

She told Blyth Labour News “ I did notice that the concrete supports for the bankside had moved a little during the winter”. “I haven't been along this way for several months but we have had some very high spring tides this year and it looks like the supports have fallen and the bankside has been washed away.”

Councillor Richardson has informed the County Councils footway officers of the danger and she would like to see a temporary fence erected to safeguard the public until engineers are able to view the Landslip to design and undertake a permanent repair.

Councillor Richardson also said: “It would be awful if two cyclists passed each other at this spot and either slipped over this very dangerous edge, I just hope the County Councils’ officers treat this repair with urgency”.

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